The mind says it all quiet clear, the heart not so fluent,
One cautious and kind and one running on flaming impulse,
A turning tussle between all that seems true and all that is false.
Seeking the same melody yet they sing in a contradictory duet.
Steady and slow against one that is blindly racing,
One trying to hold on while another longing to fall,
Looking at similar destinations yet tied in an endless brawl.
Jumping with open arms and closed eyes, bothering not what its facing...
The mind says, oh naive one! this path shall leave you hollow,
Steps unsteady and gaze unfixed,
Never does it end well, the climax lies jinxed,
The heart replies, do you know not my nature? I meant to blindly follow!
The mind suggests a better path in a boat which shall not drown,
But who listens covered in flames of desire blissfully ablaze,
All that seemed clear a moment ago now covered in a haze.
Whatever the destination might be, on the path I shall wear no frown..
What a fool you must be! says the mind, chasing what cannot be attained,
The fool is the one who concludes before trying says the heart,
I have beaten with bliss on this path even of from the destination I am apart.
For I see what I have given and not what I gained.
So they walk their own path, leading to perhaps the same place,
What is that place I wonder, its one of life's great mystery,
There is no point worrying of tomorrow and thinking of the history,
They can't be apart, no matter the motive no matter the pace.
Perhaps there is no end to this unnerving conflict,
To the blind world, the sight of poetry gives birth to a misfit,
Perhaps this conflict is bliss, and the pain the true treasure,
For to have fallen so deep is to have loved without measure.
It shall forever be, the cautious analyst and the careless poet,
The suspense of the road ahead, is the only similar note in their contradictory duet.