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Love your soil, each and every grain.

Writer's picture: Dhairya vyasDhairya vyas

We have been Independent for 74 years, why do we celebrate the achievement of our country only a few times a year like 15th August, 26 January etc. Are you really proud of our country? Or do you just hold our tricolor flag for your Instagram stories on 15th august? Do you really love your country?

You are born on this soil, this soil gives you food, water, shelter and safety. What does this soil ask for? Money? No, it asks for respect, it asks for love. What does loving one’s country mean? Does it mean you never cross the sea to see the world? It means that you want to make your country strong and able. A country’s power comes from the unity of its citizens. When all people, all colors, all religions became one, the oppressive rule of the British ended.

What brought all the people together even though they were all different in every aspect? It was the common love they shared for their motherland, India and their goal to make it a better home.

This soil produces many great Sons and Daughters who protect the country, who take the country forward, who help in the country’s development. This is the soil from where brave soldiers are born, where 21 soldiers can fight off thousands of enemies, where one man can bring the country independence without even picking up a gun, where brave people greet death with open arms for their country. What drove them to do this? Mahatma Gandhi did not want money, Subhash Chandra Bose did not desire a mansion, they desired freedom, not just theirs but their country’s freedom. Our freedom.

Ever Since I was a little boy, I told people about my country with pride whenever I went abroad to travel. I am proud of my country, just as everyone should be.

Wouldn’t it be better if I expressed my feelings poetically?

Love your country, each and every grain

I come from the land of the brave,

Where people fought for freedom until they met their grave.

I come from the land of no fear,

Where soldiers don’t give up when they see death near.

I come from the land of unbreakable will,

When united, we can climb the toughest hill.

I come from the land of the farmer,

Who with the lush green fields adds glamour

I come from the land where people are kind and willing to feed,

This soil shall fulfill every soul’s need.

I come from the land of gratitude,

Where people have a loving, forgiving attitude.

I come from the land of delicious food,

Something to relish, and something to set a mood.

I come from the land of gods and goddesses,

Where there is fashion and unique dresses

I come from the land of diversity,

When it comes to hatred, we have good immunity.

I come from the land of scholars and mathematicians

Who gave the world ‘zero’? No doubt, it was the Indians!

I come from the land of royal marriages,

Where there are royal rides and horse carriages

I come from the land of celebration,

A sweet and welcoming nation.

I come from the land of the tricolored flag,

Where 21 fought thousands, not to brag.

I come from the land of huge hearts,

Where everybody is one, none in parts.

I come from the land of the lion’s shining mane,

Where people love their country, each and every grain.




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