All the fun has been had, now its the night before the test,
Books pile up, the mind cannot rest.
Reading all the lines, tired and bored,
my mind tells me, "rest up, all the information is stored".
Getting lost in the thoughts, allowing the worry to creep,
Pushing it all aside, giving the tired head some sleep.
In the morning, its time to revise.
Barely an hour left, will it suffice?
Before the exam, people discussing questions, its truly a moment to dread
Everyone speaking things that I have never read.
Looking at the question paper, the heart skips a beat,
Where is all that information stored, cannot leave an empty sheet!
The mind told it knew, they were all lies.
After not knowing the first five answers, all hope dies.
But the mind has many tricks up its sleeve.
Somehow the sheet is full before I leave.
My friend discusses the answers as he walks
I am happy, In the paper my answers were truly out of the box.
"Oh it went well" Says the mind
The memory was there, it was just so hard to find.
Whatever answer, does not matter how long
Won't fetch the numbers if its wrong.
The teacher arrives with the results, nervously I fidget,
"It has to be at least 90%" on the marksheet is a single digit!
But the mind said it knew,
It said the paper went well, phew!
Here now It was clear, why the score was not well,
all the answers written, none ringed a bell!
The mind told, "You will get the highest ranks".
How silly was I to trust, it was just one of the its pranks.