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What Why and where....

Writer: Dhairya vyasDhairya vyas

Why am I here?

Why do I laugh and shed a tear.

Am I just here to silently live,

Or do I have something to give...

Are we just butterflies flying around in a glass cage,

Am I in the audience or up on the stage?

Flummoxed I roam around looking for my destination,

Looking for the light, seeking the illumination.

The sand falls through and I sit there dreaming,

Searching for truth, searching for meaning.

Is life all but a game of dice,

Are we at our wish's command or just scurrying mice.

I don't have the answers, but I am brave enough to ask,

Are those faces, or is that a mask.

Oh lord are you there, Oh lord can you see,

Your games and your moves, all they do is bewilder me,

Is it all just that simple? Am I too naïve to know?

Well I am not the only one, no one here knows where to go.

Thinking all this, the clock ticks away,

Is time even real, Oh god keep my thoughts at bay!

My mind, I fear it,

The truth? Should I go near it?

I know not, with what wave the mind shall drift away,

Oh mighty sky, why art thou grey?

The mind it keeps jumping, jumping here and there,

Oh this storm! Its too much to bear!

From the heavenly heights to the hellish depths,

The peace and the moments gone, are all the mind's thefts.

The mind, deeper than the sea and more vast than the sky,

And yet all it can do Is ask why?

Eureka! That's it! I am here to question, I am here to learn,

but what am I to receive, is knowledge what I truly yearn?

Oh lord! The one they say resides in the heavens! Hear my cry!

I long for bliss, I long for greatness, Is there nothing I can do but try!

Dust! A drop of rain! Insignificant!

something great... A fabulous mind.. Magnificent!

An entertainer, an artist, a fighter!

Creative, marvelous, a writer!

The clouds shall clear, the moon shall rise, even though belated

Mother! Look! Look at what I have created!

Over the sun of my dreams, the cloud of uncertainty remains,

Oh how it crushes me, oh how it pains!

Shall I sing a melody, shall I say a word,

What if... my symphony is gone unheard...

I am but a man, working for something great,

Trusting the light and keeping faith in fate.

When shall I die, where shall I go, why was I born,

Oh wind! Why are you still, the clouds are still not gone!

What am I to do, where am I to reach, nothing seems clear..

Wait a minute..... why am I here?



Kundan Datta
Kundan Datta
Jul 29, 2023

U make this world better to live in🙏🙏🤧

Dhairya vyas
Dhairya vyas
Jul 29, 2023
Replying to

Thank you so much!!


Kundan Datta
Kundan Datta
Jul 29, 2023

So inspiring, I want be like you

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